Barrier Animal Healthcare’s Anti-Itch Soothing Shampoo is a 100% natural, rich but gentle, anti-bacterial two in one shampoo and conditioner.
Use: A perfect 100% natural body wash for all year round use. Great for summer use when anti-itch properties are needed the most to gently soothe and calm, sore bitten, irritated areas ensuring that the skin is kept itch-free and healthy.
Can be used as a non-rinse wash for lightly soiled animals or as a more intense deep-cleansing and conditioning shampoo for very itchy, scurfy and heavily soiled animals where thorough rinsing is required.
Includes all the added benefits of Tea Tree, Aloe Vera, Chamomile and Lavender. Suitable for the most sensitive of skins. No Nasties!
Manufactured using 100% natural ingredients, that are safe to the animal, the user and to the environment. Contains no artificial thickeners, no gel agents which can be animal bi-products.
FEI & HRA Rules: No materials have knowingly been included in this product that may contravene current rules.
Directions for use: The product has a rich concentrated consistency and a little goes a long way. Shake Well. For lightly soiled animals where a quick freshen-up is required use approx 2 to 3 squirts in a bucket of water and sponge down – No need to rinse. For very itchy, scurfy or heavily soiled coats use more product, massage well into the mane, tail and coat and leave on for a while before rinsing thoroughly.
Available in sizes: 500ml and 1000ml