Carr & Day & Martin Killitch Sweet Itch Lotion
Killitch Sweet Itch Lotion is a summer essential that not only tackles sweet itch, but is also excellent to use for all itchy skin problems, including seasonal shedding, fly bites, etc.
Particularly useful in case of mane rubbing in horses that are going to be plaited. A product we would never be without.
Killitch is a licensed product that is proven to prevent and treat Sweet Itch in horses and ponies.
Highly recommended by Equine Magazine.
AVM-GSL licensed product.
Killitch should ideally be used in early Spring as a preventative measure prior to symptoms being evident. Early use may prevent Sweet Itch taking hold.
Contains the active ingredient Benzyl Benzoate in a soothing lotion formulated for horses.
Apply to affected areas twice daily and then reduce to once daily and then three to four times a week as the condition improves.
For further instructions please refer to the product label.