Gold Label Sparkle Glitter Gels can be applied anywhere you want a bit of sparkle (do avoid the horse or pony’s eyes though).
You can use them on any spot you want to enhance but they are super applied through the tail (and mane, if not plaited).
In tails, we recommend Silver for grey/white hair, Gold for flaxen and light chestnut, Sunset for reddish chestnuts, Disco (which is an irridescent glitter) for grey/white, and Purple Haze for black hair – yes, it looks really great!
The glitter is actually quite subtle unless you use the whole pot at once, otherwise it gives just an extra sparkle and glamour, great fun for competitions.
Can be washed off with warm water and shampoo.
Available in five colours: Silver, Gold, Sunset, Purple Haze, Disco
Size: 250ml